Sono Voice, Yuuryou Desu ka?

Sono Voice, Yuuryou Desu ka?

(Does that voice have a fee?)

Tình trang: Đang cập nhật

Cập nhật: 18:37 25-01-2024

Lượt xem: 1

Lượt theo dõi: 0

Voice actor otaku Suzuna meets a boy with the ideal handsome voice, Tachibana Waku. She wants to get friendly with him but Waku is acting cold... "So heart melting you can't help but smile!" A younger tsundere boy and a girl obsessed with him scenes o’ plenty! Whispering sweet nothings, tin-can phones, handsome voices, loaded with moe situations! Settled firmly in the first position of comico novel category, continuously receiving good reviews and high praises from its readers. Now it’s time to raise the curtain on this youthful love started with a voice! Fb: Blog: b*******

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